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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 11 February 2021 7:21 AM | Anonymous

    We are pleased to report that road conditions are good on the park this morning and snow is no longer forecast for our area.

  • 10 February 2021 7:17 AM | Anonymous

    We are pleased to report that road conditions are good on the park this morning and snow is not forecast for today.

  • 09 February 2021 7:19 AM | Anonymous

    Please drive carefully whilst on Lancing Business Park today.

    All roads on the park are currently clear of snow but please beware of ice patches. There is a light dusting of snow in Marlborough Road Car Park.

    Heavy snow forecast from 10am to 5pm today.

  • 08 February 2021 10:53 AM | Anonymous

    The staff at Fizz Creations Ltd in Commerce Way have established a monthly donation scheme, to provide much needed support for the Lancing & Sompting Churches Food Bank.

    During January the staff have donated the food pictured above which the Food Bank will distribute to local families in need. 

    Before Christmas, Lawrence Boon who is a Director at Fizz, arranged a quiz to provide much needed funds for the Food Bank over the festive period, raising a very impressive £680 for this worthy cause.

    If you or your staff would like to help support LBP's Charity of the Year, the Food Bank would very much welcome the following support:

    Cash Donations are welcome via bank transfer to the Lancing and Sompting Churches Foodbank:

    Sort Code: 20-79-31 Account: 73929213

    Food Donations are welcome:

    • Tuesdays - 9:30 to 10:30am at the car park of the Harriet Johnson Centre, Loose Lane, Sompting
    • Thursdays - 10:30 to 11:30am at the Lancing Children's Centre, 42 North Road Lancing 
    • Please check the Foodbank's Facebook page to ensure donations are being accepted on your chosen day by clicking here

    If  You or Your Staff Can Provide:

    • Laptop - do you have a laptop you can spare?
    • IT Training - Spare some free time to help provide IT training for the Foodbank Volunteers?
    • Manpower - Spare anytime to help the volunteers to collect or distribute the donated food?
    • Food Storage Space -Does your business have spare refrigeration/freezer storage space to help preserve the lifetime of donated food? 

    Please email your support offer by clicking here 

  • 08 February 2021 8:30 AM | Anonymous

    Please drive carefully whilst on Lancing Business Park today.

    The main roads are currently clear with a light dusting in Peter Road, Winston Business Centre, Spencer Road and Blenheim Road.

    More snow is forecast until 5pm tomorrow.

  • 10 December 2020 10:11 AM | Anonymous

    On Sunday 3rd January LBP will be undertaking the annual Big Clean of the public highways across Lancing Business Park.

    Please can we ask that all businesses share this news with their staff and ask that all vehicles are cleared from the business park from 7am on Sunday, to enable a thorough clean of the public highways.

    Many thanks 

  • 26 November 2020 11:39 AM | Anonymous

    Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health has announced this morning that West Sussex has been placed in Tier 2  Coronavirus Restrictions (High Alert).

    To check which Tier your postcode falls within please click here

    To view the government's 'Full List of Local Restrictions Tiers by Area' please click here

    To view the rules and restriction for Tier 2 please click here

  • 18 November 2020 10:38 AM | Anonymous

    Following in the success of Fizz Creations Ltd.'s Halloween Staff Zoom Quiz which raised £294.98 for Lancing & Sompting Churches Food Bank, Lawrence Boon, Director of Fizz is now kindly arranging an LBP Christmas Zoom Quiz, with all proceeds being donated to the Food Bank to raise much needed funds for our local community.

    As a seasoned Quiz Master with many charity events under his belt, Lawrence will host this event and provide an enjoyable range of questions to appeal to everyone.

    This Zoom quiz will be held on Thursday 10th December from 3.45pm and will finish around 5:15pm. This will be a great way to bring people together to help lift everyone's spirits during this difficult time.

    Businesses and the community are welcome to join this event, with teams of up to 6 people and an entry cost of £25 per team. This is a COVID friendly event with team members able to sign in separately, so there is no need for team members to be in the same room

    There is an engraved trophy on it's way, so bragging rights will be available for the winning team!

    For further details of this event and how to enter a team please click here

  • 09 November 2020 8:00 PM | Anonymous

    Lancing Business Park BID (LBP) have been working with businesses on the park regarding the Permitted Development Notice that was submitted to Adur District Council, for change of use of the Quadrant in Marlborough Road, from office space to 53 residential units.

    After 25 objection letters were received from Tim Loughton MP, businesses based on the park and local and regional Business Partnerships, Cllr. Brian Boggis, Executive Member for Regeneration at Adur District Council, called-in this Notice to be heard by the Adur Planning Committee tonight.

    After due consideration, the Planning Officer’s recommendation was to refuse the application on the basis that the proposed change would result in the creation of dwellings in close proximity to a wide range of commercial uses, at significant adverse impact upon the future occupiers.

    Objector representations were heard tonight from Tim Loughton MP,  Eric Prescott, Managing Director of Paula Rosa Manhattan who are based directly behind The Quadrant and Lancing Business Park BID.  All explaining the detrimental impact this change would have on future residents and the businesses on Lancing Business Park.

    LBP are delighted to confirm that the Adur Planning Committee unanimously voted tonight to refuse this Permitted Development Notice, thus preventing the development of residential units within Adur and Worthing’s largest business park and the 2nd largest in West Sussex. This action has helped to safeguard an invaluable 24/7 industrial area to support businesses and the local economy during this very difficult time.

    Damian Pulford, Chairman of Lancing Business Park BID said ‘The business community on the park has worked together to highlight their concerns regarding the long-term impact of this application. LBP would like to thank businesses for finding the time to consult on this crucial matter and to our business partners for actively supporting the park through this difficult issue. We would also like to thank the Adur Planning Committee, Tim Loughton MP and Cllr. Brian Boggis and  for helping to protect Lancing Business Park as a dedicated business environment, to support business recovery from pandemic and future business growth.’

    To watch a recording of the Adur Planning Committee meeting please click here and then scroll down to select the YouTube media link

  • 04 November 2020 4:49 PM | Anonymous

    Lancing Business Park BID (LBP) has been working with businesses on the park to create a broad ‘think piece’ to try and articulate the vision, ideas and wishes of the business community for the future direction of the park, within the context of the wider development potential of the Lancing area.

    LBP consulted businesses on the park to encompass business views, along with key stakeholder discussions to enable a cohesive development approach. The resulting discussion paper has been titled 'Lancing Business Park - Looking to the Future' and highlights that Lancing has the potential to attract the skilled workforce of the future and become an ideal 24/7 business location in which to connect to the rest of the UK. 

    This discussion paper has been approved by the LBP Committee and forwarded to Adur & Worthing Councils for consideration.

    To view the discussion paper please click here

    To read further information and the next steps please click here.

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